BASIC DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCATION/AREA: Skopska Crna Gora – a medium-high mountain in the northern part of Macedonia. It rises between the Skopje Valley to the south, the Kumanovo Valley to the east, the Gnjilane Valley to the north (in Kosovo) and the Lepenec River valley to
Visit Bekirlija village in march 26 this year
Visit Bekirlija village in march 26 this year
Skopska Crna Gora – a medium-high mountain in the northern part of Macedonia
Skopska Crna Gora – a medium-high mountain in the northern part of Macedonia. It rises between the Skopje Valley to the south, the Kumanovo Valley to the east, the Gnjilane Valley to the north (in Kosovo) and the Lepenec River valley to the west. The mountain
Kurtovica – a place where you must be
Kurtovica - a place where you can get drunk on beauty. More meadow colored with thousands of colors of flowers, less peak. Peak at a height of 1686m above sea level. From Kurtovica you can turn 360 degrees and feel the breath of AZOT, the spirit of Macedonia,
Бислимска Клисура
БЛОГ РАСКАЗ ЗА ЛОКАЦИЈАТА/РЕГИОНОТ: Во подножјето на Градиште, до самото корито на Пчиња е една од најкарактеристичните пештери во областа, која народот ја вика „Студен пештер”. Каналите се толку тесни што човек едвај може да влезе низ нив. Интересно е да се спомне дека во месеците јули и